Scotland, Will and Testament Index 1481-1807

Did your ancestors die in Scotland? Explore this collection of Scottish will and testaments from 1481 to 1807, find out the date of their last will and testament.

The Scotland, Will and Testament Index 1481-1807 are an index of records from the commissariat courts of Scotland.

Each record includes a transcript of the original will and testament. The amount of information listed varies, but the records usually include a combination of the following information about your ancestor:

  • Title
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Year
  • Date
  • Place
  • Commissariot
  • County
  • Publication
  • Additional information

When an individual wishes to settle their affairs prior to death, a will is drawn up. The will sets out the instructions for the disposal of their possessions. A testament is the legal document that is drawn up after a person has died. This enables the court to confirm an executor, the executor is then responsible for the winding-up of the deceased’s estate. The testament includes an inventory of the deceased’s property, this can be a brief summary valuation of the goods involved or a list of individual items and their valuations.