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Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Hitchcock households

Hitchcox households

Hitchman households

Hitchover households

Hives households

Hoar households

Hoare households

Hobb households

Hobbs households

Hobby households

Hobell households

Hobill households

Hobley households

Hobson households

Hockerston households

Hockley households

Hockton households

Hocter households

Hodby households

Hodder households

Hoddle households

Hodes households

Hodge households

Hodges households

Hodgetts households

Hodgins households

Hodgkins households

Hodgkinson households

Hodgskin households

Hodgson households

Hodman households

Hodsion households

Hodson households

Hoe households

Hoerle households

Hogan households

Hogg households

Hoggins households

Hoggles households

Hogson households

Holand households

Holborow households

Hold households

Holdaway households

Holder households

Holdich households

Holdick households

Holding households

Holdish households